HCL Software Portal Launched for Customers and Partners
Mat Newman July 2 2019 15:46:02

Earlier today, HCL Software (the newly announced division of HCL Technologies) was launched in a press release formally announcing that HCL had completed the purchase of the IBM software announced late last year.
As part of this new entity, today HCL Software launched their new portal (Built on PORTAL and DOMINO!), which provides Customers and Partners a one-stop site where they can receive product information, learn about purchasing software, gain support, connect with partners, and get contact information relevant to their requirements.
One of the things I love about the Portal is the introduction video by Raj Iyer, VP of Product Management for HCL Software, where he outlines the guiding principles and values that HCL are utilising:
Customer-driven roadmaps, transparent development, joint innovation
Rest APIs, 3rd party integration, partner-led product extensions
Practical innovation powered by technologies like machine learning and analytics
Market currency for platforms, languages and methodologies
User experience, Hybrid on-premises/cloud offerings
Containerised deployment, lower TCO, simplify offerings
I especially like Raj's closing quote: "We at HCL truly believe the the best days of these products lie ahead of us, and with your support and commitment, we can translate that belief into reality."
We are absolutely ready to engage with you to help you better understand, utilise and help us plan the future of our portfolio.
Whether you are a Customer, or Partner, please sign up on our new Welcome Portal Page: http://bit.ly/mlnHCLw3