#TipOfTheDay Enable Auto-Save in Lotus Notes

Mat Newman  July 7 2012 08:54:41
How to enable Auto Save of every Lotus Notes document open in edit mode (which of course includes draft messages):

The steps:

1.        go to the File menu,
2.        choose Preferences,
3.        go to the Basic Notes Client Configuration option,
4.        Check the box for Autosave,
5.        enter how many minutes you would like Lotus Notes to autosave your documents for you.

Figure 1: the Enabling the Autosave option in Lotus Notes preferences

Enable Autosave in Lotus Notes preferences

Now Lotus Notes will automatically save a backup copy of every document you have in edit mode every ... minutes.

To recover Autosaved documents, use the File -> Autosave -> Recover...  menu option.


1Dave Hay  07/08/2012 2:23:33  
#TipOfTheDay Enable Auto-Save in Lotus Notes

Matt, thanks for the reminder. Had just set Notes 8.5.4 CD4 up on my new Mac, and had forgotten to set this - you rock, you yellow dude, you :-)

2Mat Newman

07/08/2012 8:41:01  #TipOfTheDay Enable Auto-Save in Lotus Notes

@1, Dave: No worries mate, glad I could help :-)

Mat Newman IBM Champion

3Dan Soares  07/30/2013 0:33:07  
#TipOfTheDay Enable Auto-Save in Lotus Notes

Hey Mat,

Do you know if autosave can be enabled for webmail in IBM Notes 9?



Mat Newman

THE Notes (formerly IBM/Lotus Notes) Guy. Productivity Guru. Evangelist. IBM Champion for IBM Collaboration Solutions, 2011/2012/2013. Former IBMer. HCLite. Views are my own.

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