without further ado ... Happy Birthday Lotus Notes, Hip, Hip ... HOORAY!
Mat Newman December 7 2010 00:26:50
It's quite simple, the software that revolutionised the way we work together, is STILL doing so 21 (yes - TWENTY ONE) years after it's release!The software that changed the way people work together, and laid the foundation for every application that enabled users to SHARE between, rather than SEND information TO, one another is today 21 years old.
Today, I wish to SHARE with YOU, using the platform that changed it all, my content was created on a Lotus NOTES client, and is hosted on a Lotus DOMINO server.
I created this information off-line, before replicating it with my server so that it could become available from a single reference point.
No cheap dig's today about any inferior technologies, I'm just revelling in the technology that is still ... today ... revolutionary. Lotus Notes!
To Ray, Mitch, and thousands of faceless (and some not so) others, congratulations!
Your baby has come of age!
The software that enabled the "User Driver Revolution" (come see my session @ #LS11 for more detail - key reference: Craig Davies, Cochlear) is doing it all over again!
Happy Birthday LOTUS NOTES!