Plantronics Savi 740 - one VERY cool piece of Kit
Mat Newman September 29 2011 21:39:30
A few weeks ago I was fortunate enough to receive a Plantronics Savi 740 courtesy of Karen Jarvis, an ex-pat Aussie who is the Strategic Partner Marketing Manager at Plantronics.Until you've used one of these devices, you truly don't appreciate how a 'simple' piece of desk equipment can revolutionise your in-the-office time. What do I mean? Have you ever fumbled in your pocket to pull out your mobile (cell) phone's headset? While Handling a desktop phone? While removing your computer's headset because you've just been on a computer based internet call?
Prior to the Savi, I had a great headset/microphone combo for my laptop, a bluetooth headset for my mobile, and a desktop phone with a handset that I had never bothered to get a headset for. Before the Savi arrived, I never realised how much time I spent swapping between these devices to communicate on mobile, land-line and computer based calls.
The Savi 740 changed all that, and I will never go back.
Unboxing took just a few moments, and following the quick-start sheet included in the box I had the Savi connected to my desktop phone, plugged into my computer via USB and then paired with my mobile phone via bluetooth in just a few minutes.
What took a little longer was deciding which of the 3 (three) headset adapters I was going to use, as the box includes wrap-around, head-set and over ear versions, with different in-ear plugs to suit each of the options.
For me, the decision went with the head-set option, which felt most comfortable.
I was then interrupted in my geeking as my mobile phone rang, which meant my normal ring-tone, while the desktop unit started flashing the mobile phone light and the head-set chirped gently in my ear. A quick touch of the head-set button to answer the call and the Savi was connected.
Leaving my mobile next to the Savi on my desk, I then began wandering around the office to test out the range on the wireless headset (the headset connects to the desktop unit via RF, not bluetooth). I walked up three flights of stairs, out the front door, through the car-park and two houses down the street before the device started loosing signal. It was only Adam on the phone, so I wasn't too worried about loosing the call :-) Needless to say I was impressed that I could now answer a call anywhere in the office that originated on my mobile, land-line or computer while they are connected to the Savi 740.
The Savi automatically switches sources when it detects an incoming call, so there's no messing about switching headsets or hand-sets, you just touch the button on the Savi head-set and it answers for you. The range and clarity of the wireless headset is extremely good, in fact crystal clear even in a multi-story office where the base unit is located on my desk in the basement.
If you spend a lot of time talking to anyone - whether it's land-line, mobile or computer based - you seriously need to consider one of these. Easy to use, connects to everything, great reception, hassle free.
The Plantronics Savi 740 - one VERY cool piece of kit.