DestinationDomino Alert! Are you ready to join us on the YELLOW carpet in Frankfurt for the global unveiling of the Domino V10 Product Family
Mat Newman September 6 2018 15:58:31

Some very, VERY, exciting news overnight with the announcement that registrations to attend IN PERSON at the World Premiere of the Domino V10 product family in Frankfurt on the 9th of October are now open!
In addition, the site also enables customers who can attend the live event in Vienna on the 10th of October to register on the same site.
Don't worry if you can't attend the event in person, we have announced the live streaming event HERE, so get ready to gather your mates and plan your own Domino V10 World Premiere Watch Party!
If you can attend either the Frankfurt or Vienna events in person, registration is available HERE:
We are getting so close now, a new future for the Domino Product Family is imminent AND I CAN"T WAIT!
If you haven't signed up for the announcement newsletters yet, here is your reminder to visit the Destination Domino site and sign up so you can get these first hand.