IBM Domino - Logging additional information about users and activity
Mat Newman November 22 2017 20:29:59
A question came in from a customer today which I've heard a number of times recently, so I thought I'd share the quick resolution."The customer has a Domino SMTP mail relay server. They have are a lot of external applications using this Domino SMTP mail relay server to receive and deliver the email to users and mail-in databases. From the log in Domino SMTP mail relay server, it only shows the sender IP address info. The customer is asking is it possible to have the sender ID like email address in the log file?"
Short answer. Yes. It's Domino. It can do ANYTHING.
Two things you can do here - Increase the Router logging level, and increase the Session logging level.
If you set the Router log level to 40 (maximum output), you get everything. Server Connected, IP Address, Sender, Recipient. Everything is captured and every SMTP session is identified (notice in the below sample, I have a mail monitor set up that checks whether my SMTP service is running "monitor.*.*.*", it does nothing other than connect on port 25, but you can see that even a "probe" is captured, even if nothing is delivered; The other is my IBM Protector server "windu.*.*.*" connecting and actually delivering a message. I should really write more about IBM Protector - It's BRILLIANT!).
Set Config Log_MailRouting=40
At the server console to configure this, and have it immediately take effect.
Note: you can also change this setting in the server configuration document, however it will not take effect immediately as it does by setting it using the Console command.
- Open the Servers Configuration Document,
- Router/SMTP Tab,
- Advanced Tab,
- Controls Tab,
- Change the Logging Level value to 'Verbose'

If you increase the Session log level to the option introduced back with 8.5.1, you get all of the information about a server/users connection: Name, Client Version Number, IP address and access type (eg: C=native client), This works on all versions of Domino after 8.5.1
Set Config Log_Sessions=2
At the server console to configure this, and have it immediately take effect.
Results of above Changes are colour coded and shown below:
** Live console connected to server yoda/iteam **
11/22/2017 18:59:19 Opened live remote console session for Mat Newman/*/*
11/22/2017 18:59:38 Remote console command issued by Mat Newman/*/*: Set Config Log_MailRouting=40
11/22/2017 18:59:39 Router: Updating values from Configuration document
11/22/2017 18:59:39 Router: notes.ini setting for Log_Mailrouting being used (note - this option may now be configured in a Server Configuration document)
11/22/2017 19:00:03 SMTP Server: monitor.*.*.* (192.*.*.*) connected
11/22/2017 19:00:03 SMTP Server: monitor.*.*.* (192.*.*.*) disconnected. 0 message[s] received
11/22/2017 19:02:15 Router: Updating values from Configuration document
11/22/2017 19:02:29 Router: Delivery thread [00000010] searching for work
11/22/2017 19:02:43 Remote console command issued by Mat Newman/*/*: Set Config Log_Sessions=2
11/22/2017 19:02:43 LOG_SESSIONS changed to 2.
11/22/2017 19:03:03 SMTP Server: monitor.*.*.* (192.*.*.*) connected
11/22/2017 19:03:03 SMTP Server: monitor.*.*.* (192.*.*.*) disconnected. 0 message[s] received
11/22/2017 19:03:48 SMTP Server: windu.*.*.* (203.*.*.*) connected
11/22/2017 19:03:48 SMTP Server: Originator: matnewman@*.*.com
11/22/2017 19:03:48 SMTP Server: Recipient: mat@*.com
11/22/2017 19:03:49 SMTP Server: Message 002C4B73 (MessageID:
11/22/2017 19:03:49 SMTP Server: windu.*.*.* (203.*.*.*) disconnected. 1 message[s] received
11/22/2017 19:03:49 Router: Delivery to local recipient Mathew Newman/* is ready with 1 messages
11/22/2017 19:03:49 Router: Message 002C4B73, 002C46BA delivered to Mathew Newman/* from matnewman@*.*.com OFB9A38226:D97B106C ONCA2581E0:002C4B73 Size: 6K Time: 00:00:00 Hop Count: 1
11/22/2017 19:06:03 SMTP Server: monitor.*.*.* (192.*.*.*) connected
11/22/2017 19:06:03 SMTP Server: monitor.*.*.* (192.*.*.*) disconnected. 0 message[s] received
11/22/2017 19:06:57 Opened session for 'CN=Mat Newman/OU=*/O=*' (Release 9.0.1) SessId 23C71C9D Ip '120.*.*.*' 'Auth' 'C'
11/22/2017 19:06:58 Opened session for 'CN=iam/OU=*/O=*' (Release 9.0.1FP9) SessId 234A1C9D Ip '203.*.*.*' 'Auth' 'C'
11/22/2017 19:06:58 Closed session for 'iam/*/*' SessId 234A1C9D Databases accessed: 2 Documents read: 0 Documents written: 0 Transactions: 8
So can you show additional information in the server log about Sessions and Mail Routing?
Of course you can - It's DOMINO!
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