Installing IBM Connections plug-ins in IBM Notes 9 on Ubuntu Linux

Mat Newman  November 4 2013 11:23:28
A quick one to share today - how to get the IBM Connections Activities, Status updates and enhanced Business Card Plug-ins installed easily in IBM Notes 9:

Modify your access to /opt/ibm/notes

I found this was necessary because one cannot modify the content of /opt/ibm/notes using the installer from within the Notes client, and one cannot execute Notes as root, so:
  • Open a terminal
  • sudo nautilus
  • Navigate to the /opt/ibm folder
  • Right-Click Notes
  • Choose properties
  • Go to the Permissions tab,
  • Change "others" to have "Create and Delete" rights.

Once you're finished, you can modify the access back to the default using the same procedure.

Download and extract the Connections Plug-ins in IBM Notes 9

Download the Installer from the IBM Connections plug-in download available from greenhouse:Á245802A721A20185257A9B005EFD52

Once downloaded:
  • Open the file in Archive Manager,
  • Extract
  • From within, locate the file "" and drag that to your required install location.

Figure 1: Extracting the file to your required install location
Figure 1: Extracting the file to your required install location

Now you're ready to install.

From within IBM Notes 9:
  • File -> Application -> Install,
  • "Search for New Features to install",
  • "Add Zip/Jar Location...",
  • Navigate to the file extracted earlier.
  • Next, Next, Accept, Install, etc, etc...

Restart Notes ... VOILA! IBM Connections Activities, Status Updates and Enhanced Business Cards.

At Present this install option will not install the IBM Connections Files plug-in ... watch this space!

Figure 2: IBM Notes 9 with the plugins installed:
Figure 2: IBM Notes 9 with the plugins installed:



1Rainer  11/04/2013 18:10:54  
Installing IBM Connections plug-ins in IBM Notes 9 on Ubuntu Linux

Hi Mat,

thanks a lot for your tips !!! Is it OK for you when I add your content in my blog ??

Best regards from Austria


2John Dalsgaard  11/04/2013 19:51:52  
Installing IBM Connections plug-ins in IBM Notes 9 on Ubuntu Linux

Hi Matt

I don't know if you are aware of this - but the connections plugins for Notes 9 do NOT work with IBM Smart Cloud Engage.... And it is "working as designed" as pointed out to me by IBM Support :-(

It did work on Notes 8.5.3.

Just to avoid putting the expectations too high - unfortunately.


3Mat Newman

11/05/2013 10:00:31  Installing IBM Connections plug-ins in IBM Notes 9 on Ubuntu Linux

@1 Rainer: I'd prefer that you just link back here, but thanks for sharing the love ;-)

@2, John: Let me look into that for you. I have linked to Smartcloud, but I have a different way to access it.

Mat Newman IBM Champion

4Kwesi  12/17/2013 0:48:40  
Installing IBM Connections plug-ins in IBM Notes 9 on Ubuntu Linux

Hello Mat

I think this is very description but I am still getting this error below

CWPPR0032E: The requested provisioning operation(s) failed.

Can you help?

5Brian Bermingham  01/08/2014 20:48:29  
Installing IBM Connections plug-ins in IBM Notes 9 on Ubuntu Linux


I found I had this issue as well, 1 of 2 things fixed this, either the issue was resolved after I restarted Notes following Mat's permission steps above or, I also set the same permissions on the updateSite zip file.


6Fuangwit S.  01/10/2014 20:20:27  
Installing IBM Connections plug-ins in IBM Notes 9 on Ubuntu Linux

Hi Mat,

As you suggestion, I can use file plug-in for notes on Ubuntu 12.04 by follow widget "{ Link }

Thank you


7Michael S  02/25/2014 15:02:58  
Installing IBM Connections plug-ins in IBM Notes 9 on Ubuntu Linux

btw: it is sufficient to change permissions only in /opt/ibm/notes/framework/shared/eclipse (e.g., as root with "find /opt/ibm/notes/framework/shared/eclipse -exec chmod o+w {} \;"), you do not have to do it for all of /opt/ibm. Also make sure you revert it immediately after installing it with ind /opt/ibm/notes/framework/shared/eclipse -exec chmod o-w {} \; or you have a big security hole.

8J. Mirman  03/20/2014 10:16:10  
Installing IBM Connections plug-ins in IBM Notes 9 on Ubuntu Linux

Hey Mat!

I just tried this on RedHat and Fedora with IBM Notes 9.0.1. Both failed on permissions. I got an error message stating it was permissions and to "check the log" but I couldn't find a log (no current entry in ~/ibm/notes/data/IBM_TECHNICAL_SUPPORT).

I 777ed everything (as it's easy to revert back to 755 when done). Still no joy.

Stopping and restarting the client resolved the problem.

Apparently the client doesn't know permissions have changed unless it's restarted.


9Nicki  03/28/2015 1:56:44  
Installing IBM Connections plug-ins in IBM Notes 9 on Ubuntu Linux

I just converted one of my home laptops to Ubuntu. This will come in VERY handy once I get time to sit and wrestle a few apps onto it. Thanks! :)

10Ahmed Ibrahim  06/07/2015 22:34:18  
Installing IBM Connections plug-ins in IBM Notes 9 on Ubuntu Linux

Thanks a lot, I had been searching for a while to enable it on Ubuntu 14.04 64 bit and it worked just fine with me.

Thanks a lot

Mat Newman

THE Notes (formerly IBM/Lotus Notes) Guy. Productivity Guru. Evangelist. IBM Champion for IBM Collaboration Solutions, 2011/2012/2013. Former IBMer. HCLite. Views are my own.

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