Tip of the day: It’s easier to use the new Lotus Notes 8.5.3 entitlement to bulk upload files to Connections

Mat Newman  October 5 2011 16:09:52
With the new entitlements to IBM Connections now available in Lotus Notes 8.5.3 I have been doing some 'playing' to see exactly what sort of benefits this will give the average user.  If you have ever used IBM Connections Files through a browser you will know that you can only upload one file at a time.

However - once you have the "Files" (or Connections Files) plug-in (available HERE) installed in your Notes client, you will see a LOVELY little "+" button on the plug-in's tool bar (Upload to My Files).  This enables you to add files to Connections.  And NOT just one at a time :-)

The dialog that presents itself after you click the "Upload to my files" button may say: "Select a file to Upload", but it doesn't prevent you from using the good ol' "Ctrl+Click" or "Shift+Click" keyboard short-cuts to select multiple files.  Once you choose OPEN, you are then prompted whether you wish to share those files with:
  • No one (private - for yourself only)
  • People/Communities (give specific file permissions to others), or
  • Public (visible to everyone)

Image:Tip of the day: It’s easier to use the new Lotus Notes 8.5.3 entitlement to bulk upload files to Connections

What will this mean for users who now have this entitlement? Moving from File-server 1.0 (disk-drives and network shares) to IBM Connections and Lotus Notes is going to be VERY EASY!

It's one of the little gems available from the Lotus Notes plug-in that actually gives you ADDITIONAL functionality, and that's my tip of the day; If you want to quickly upload a whole heap of files into IBM Connections - use the "Files" plug-in for Lotus Notes.

Enjoy :-)

1Stephan H. Wissel  10/05/2011 20:23:37  
Tip of the day: It’s easier to use the new Lotus Notes 8.5.3 entitlement to bulk upload files to Connections

Now if that plug-in would work on Linux, we all would be happier campers

2Mat Newman

10/05/2011 20:34:31  Tip of the day: It’s easier to use the new Lotus Notes 8.5.3 entitlement to bulk upload files to Connections

@1, Stephan: +1, Like, Comment, ResponseDoc to that mate! :-)

Mat Newman IBM Champion

3Vitor Pereira  10/06/2011 8:31:25  
Tip of the day: It’s easier to use the new Lotus Notes 8.5.3 entitlement to bulk upload files to Connections

Or you could just drag and drop a bunch of them into the plug-in.

4Maurizio Turini  12/16/2011 0:51:19  
Tip of the day: It’s easier to use the new Lotus Notes 8.5.3 entitlement to bulk upload files to Connections

can i install Connections Files plug-in in notes 8.5.3 for linux and if is it no, why?

5Mat Newman

12/23/2011 13:00:34  Tip of the day: It’s easier to use the new Lotus Notes 8.5.3 entitlement to bulk upload files to Connections

@4, Maurizio: No mate, the connections files plug-in is not currently available for Linux, only Win and MacOS. Have asked the people involved and they have no plans for porting the plug in to Linux :-(

Mat Newman IBM Champion

6Tony  01/17/2013 18:35:12  
Tip of the day: It’s easier to use the new Lotus Notes 8.5.3 entitlement to bulk upload files to Connections

the link keeps telling me to comeback later.

I presume i have access if that is needed.

My company has notes, connection 3.01 etc but i am new to it.

Mat Newman

THE Notes (formerly IBM/Lotus Notes) Guy. Productivity Guru. Evangelist. IBM Champion for IBM Collaboration Solutions, 2011/2012/2013. Former IBMer. HCLite. Views are my own.

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Mat Newman

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